Jun 13Liked by Amelia Morris

I loved that THIS AMERICAN LIFE 🌯 too. I feel similar to music as you do w gymnastics and made a short doc about losing my perfect pitch and now feel a little better about it. Maybe bc I found a use for the loss via making it into another form of art??? BTW I am very curious to hear your thoughts about Miranda July’s new book if/when you read it.

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Hi Lynn! That makes a lot of sense, re: turning the loss into another form of art. Circle of life? And yes, I am VERY curious about that book but feel like I need to finish writing mine first before delving into July's world. Sooooooon though, I hope.

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Jun 18Liked by Amelia Morris

Such a fun update here and bless J for booking the camp! And maybe I should go back writing my amateur poetry again :)

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Jun 13Liked by Amelia Morris

“Poetry helped me become myself.” I feel this way about prose writing (maybe I once felt that way about poetry, back in college when I wrote it like little prayers in my journal). That chat bot!! Sooooo good. I LOVE its horror. I am also amused at how accepting I am of your tumbling. Like: yeah, she’s good at that. If I tried to do that, it would take thirty years to get in shape for it (mental, physical, joints). Good for you for trying the scary thing! and I’m loving your awareness of when the joy is lost, owning that. Finally, thank you for acknowledging my Gandhi doll / need for a project! (I am definitely a starter, not a finisher, eh? Sometimes I’m like: why do I do this? But I love these weird impulses if I can just see them through. That Chipotle episode sounds hilarious and I totally get it. lol nasturtium are finishers. Good for them! It takes all kinds. 🎾🌈 Xoxo

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I ADORE your weird impulses. Thank you for complimenting my awareness. It was hard!! I dragged my feet. Ha. Loved the chatbot's horror too. xoxxox

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